Wednesday, April 24, 2013

History Continued.....

From the first week getting here, I have done quite a bit with myself. I have been working a lot and accomplishing a lot of goals; developed an education; grew personally into the person I want to be and ultimately, am a much stronger and better person. It is now 2 months left and I am excited to return to USA. Here are some of the highlights from the last 8 months:

- You never know how strong you are, until you get lost in China with your cell phone dead and your wallet stolen....

- Chinese people always have cards that they don't show but they are very friendly and kind to others. They love foreigners (most countries) and enjoy trying to speak with them.

- You don't know how unappreciative you are of the things in your life until you can't come home for 1 year.

-Chinese people eat the strangest foods and are pretty daring but they always have a reason for it. Animal Liver helps our liver; Animal Brain boosts energy to our brain; Turtle is good for digestion (BTW I haven't tried Turtle! I got Turtle and Rabbit confused haha); etc.

- You have a huge and inexpensive chance to learn anything, do anything or remodel the things you don't like about yourself.

- Chinese people all believe in the saying "You Scratch my back; I will scratch yours." They incorporate this into their everyday lives and business practices.

- You find out what you can handle and what you can't.....

- The Chinese culture is one of always keeping "A Face."

- You appreciate the education that was given to you but wonder "How does this 12 year old know all of the cities of Europe?" Cities... not countries.

Anyway, in the last eight months, I was promoted from Manager to Director and I accomplished many things. For example:

- Raising funds
- Creating all curriculums
- Developing the internal operations, including HR and Recruiting
- Teaching kids weekly
- Manage others and the whole academic system and MUCH MORE

The job and position has been one that has challenged me and taking me to the next level in my career. I am very proud and appreciative of myself for taking this step.

In terms of adventures, I have been to the water city and I .... got this buddhist statue from a thrift store that I found. I named him Bob and all the kids laughed about it. At the Water City, I was told by a fortune teller (or Magic person):
      " You have a lot of fire and flower energy" (she said plant but I love flowers) "You are in many           internal conflicts and are a very unique soul, which confuse many people because of that. You can be great or destructive depending on the path that you choose......... You have the fierce passion of Fire and the elegant wisdom of plants (flowers)."

There was much more and other stuff about how fire and plants are opposites and other stuff, but I won't go into too much detail. Yes, this is not 100% accurate and I posted this on Facebook when I first heard it but its all similar.
       The next big adventure was all around CHINA with my best friends. They are so amazing and I will go into more detail about that later.

Food is GREAT here! Really I could eat this stuff all day everyday but I am more talking about the vegetables and dumplings haha. I have tried to be daring or brave but it is really hard. YES I GOT RABBIT AND TURTLE CONFUSED... it was a long night.

Anyway, the hardest parts so far was missing the holidays with my family and not being there for my familia in their big events. Otherwise, we are at a two month countdown (WOOOHOOO) and I couldn't be more excited.

Alright, thats it for now, I will post again when I have a chance .... or great internet!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Fire Benders.... or just really good with FIRE!

On my trip around China, I found to places that use fire in a very innovative and exhilarating way. Enjoy this video. Excuse me for any language that might offend anyone but I have never seen anything like these and, if you know me, I was extremely excited!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

90 Day Challenge... Failed; BUT, I have a lot to write

Sorry that I have been lagging with new posts but I will get back to it. I got some cool stuff from fire to history to travel :)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Trip Update

We have left Beijing going to HANGZHOU!!! :)

Tons of pictures and lots of stories! From Here, I will post again starting tomorrow! Sorry about me not posting yesterday!